Quiet and comfort the anxious inner voice with a grounding ritual that soothes, nourishes, brings you back to the present moment and empowers you to take on anything.
1. Begin by taking a deep breath, holding a moment, and letting it out slowly. Repeat as many times as needed while smoothing the Tiny Rituals Chakra Worry Stone between your fingers.
2. When you’re ready, put on your Everything I Need is Within Me Coin Necklace while speaking your affirmation aloud to the listening universe.
3. Let a piece of the Quiet Botanist Nature Lover’s Chocolate Bar melt on your tongue, mindfully aware of the taste and feel. This practice helps you stay present.
4. Place your Moon Wave Lapis Beaded Bracelet on your wrist for spiritual protection, and apply your Space Goddess temporary tattoo as a touchstone - tap this spot when you want to bring yourself back down to earth.
5. When you’re ready to take off the day, use the Ardent Goods Eye Pillow to submerge yourself in peaceful, well deserved sleep.